Dear Drivers

 Hey- Drivers and dog walkers 

This is my pony Pippa. ( aka Mariah Marey) 

She loves carrots, apples and rainbow treats. 

She hates baths and likes to attack hosepipes.

She wears glittery tail spray. 

She is part of my family - we all adore her. 

(My niece learned to say her name before she learned to say mine). 


In the last year alone whilst dressed like this in every conceivable item I could purchase of high viz and riding in lanes and on bridleways we have experienced:

  • 4 incidents of verbal abuse after asking a car to slow down behind me as I could hear a vehicle approaching the other way and didn’t want them to crash into it.

  • 5 incidents of out of control dogs - 2 of which ended up with horses being bitten whilst standing calmly awaiting the owners to retrieve their dogs with the dogs jumped and barking and snapping at them.  1 of which ended on verbal abuse to myself because I asked loudly for the person to control their very large dog as it was jumping up and snapping at Pippa’s face. 

  • Countless- almost daily - incidents of dangerous/ lethal overtaking which- if not for Pippa’s clear headedness - would result in serious injury to one or both of us. 

Every time I ride her - even on a bridleway- I am presented with dog walkers who do not recall their dogs - drivers without patience and a shocking lack of plain human kindness. 

I am luckier than most as Pippa is as well trained on a road as it is possible for a horse to be. She grew up on a farm and has no fear of cars, tractors or machinery. She is brilliant with dogs, as she was brought up around them, so she trusts them not to hurt her even though she is a prey animal and they are predators . She is patient and good and kind and so sweet that a three year old rides her. 


If you are running late, on your phone, drank more than 2 units at your pub lunch or you simply hate horse riders - I don’t care. 

Neither does Pippa- 

And neither will the police.

Please slow down for horses- 

  • 2 metre distance 
  • No faster than 10 MPH

It’s the law 

And it’s there so Pippa can get back to her field safely and hang out with her girls.

And I can go home to my husband and family and job.


I love dogs- I have a dog- I would hate one to get injured by my horse- about as much as you would hate the vets bill if your dog injured my horse.

98% of drivers and dog walkers are amazing - 

But it only takes 1 person to get it wrong and my world would shatter. 

Please protect Pippa - and all horses and riders- we genuinely appreciate peoples’ kindness and thoughtfulness. Sometimes it’s hard to thank someone with a wave ( it requires taking our hand off the rein which lessens our control) but we try to smile, nod and occasionally I have done a full blown “ THANK YOU SO MUCH” at full volume if I can see your window open 😂 ( and the odd jazz hand has also been known for extra careful drivers!) 

(If a rider doesn’t do any of this it is often because they are nervous or scared - not because we are rude/ stuck up/ arrogant/ posh - we are mostly slightly crazy Middle Aged women who are completely covered in poo most of the time and actually pretty skint because horses eat money. ) 

Thank you for keeping us safe.



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